What is the Regeneration Pledge?
Climate change is a global crisis, in need of a global solution. Reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and achieving zero emissions is only half of the solution. The other half is regenerative agriculture and land use, a powerful tool for drawing down and sequestering carbon in the soil.
RI fully supports the 4 per 1000 Initiative. We also fully support the rapid transition to zero emissions and 100-percent renewable energy. In recognition of the fact that our only hope to avert a climate crisis is for all of us to throw our support behind both of these potentially life-saving solutions, Regeneration International asks that our partners and allies sign on to both the 4 per 1000: Soils for Food Security and Climate Initiative and the Regeneration Pledge.
The Regeneration Pledge
“We, the undersigned NGOs, businesses and farmer organizations, pledge to support and facilitate as quickly as possible the move to zero fossil fuel emissions and 100% renewable energy, as agreed upon by the nations of the world at the 2015 Paris Climate Summit; additionally, in recognition of the fact that reducing fossil fuel emissions alone will not be enough to avert a climate crisis, we also, in support of the “4 per 1000: Soils for Food Security and Climate Initiative,” a bold plan approved under the Paris climate agreement’s Lima-Paris Action Agenda, pledge to support and facilitate, through education, advocacy and/or policy work, the building and scaling up of regenerative food, farming and land-use practices in our local, regional and national areas as a means of drawing down and sequestering into our soils as much climate-destabilizing CO2 and greenhouse gas pollutants as we are currently releasing into the atmosphere and the oceans. We pledge to support this drawdown for the next 25 years, in order to not only mitigate, but to actually reverse global warming, rural poverty, deteriorating public health, forced migration, and endless war and conflict.”